
Archive for January, 2010

Affirmations for Paradise is your free ticket to the utopia paradise of your choice. Whether you want to live on a palm beach sipping margaritas or snuggling with your family in a remote cabin, you can have it all. So why do people not create the paradise they say they wish for in their own life? It isn’t their fault necessarily, but we must program our minds to attract what we want most in life – including our paradise. Once we positively affirm our secret, inner, subconscious desires we will attract it into our reality, whether we realize it or not. Repeat these affirmations for your personal paradise below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself

paradise affirmations - affirmations for personalized paradise

paradise affirmations - affirmations for personalized paradise

I allow myself to experience paradise

My paradise is early retirement, vacationing, and spending time with my family

My family, friends, co-workers, and strangers know I can obtain my paradise once I decide what it is

You are lucky! Not many people get the chance to live out their personalized paradise but with these affirmations you will not only know what you truly want, but have the ability to make it fact from fiction. I have no doubt you will obtain paradise in your lifetime. You should

Create an Affirmation for your personal Paradise with support from others

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Affirmations for Bravery will give you the ability to face your darkest fears, and fiercest opponents without hesitation. What does it mean to be brave? Chances are you know someone very brave in your family, on your team, or favorite professional sports team. A brave man / woman acts when others clam up. You can be this brave person. All we need to do is reprogram our minds to believe emphatically we are brave, and it will begin to become a part of our psyche and manifest itself into our reality. Repeat these affirmations to be brave below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

brave affirmations - affirmations for bravery

brave affirmations - affirmations for bravery

I am brave

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers see me as a brave person

In the face of defeat, humiliation, or even death I do not hesitate or succumb to fear. I act bravely at all times

I am the bravest person in the world

Don’t you feel like conquering the world? That’s because you have affirmed you are brave, and your mind and body will do its very best to make this a reality – your reality. Through daily, monthly practice with support you will change your life for the better. You are indeed a brave person and act boldly. You should

Create an Affirmation for Bravery with support from others

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Affirmations for Heroes is a way to program your mind to only view yourself as an above average, super hero, but to build self esteem at the same time. Do you view anyone in your life as a super hero? Chances are your dad, mom, grandparents, or older siblings were seen as larger than life persona’s to you growing up. The reason is because you believed without a doubt they were in fact larger than life; great in every way possible. It’s time to start thinking of yourself in this same positive light in order to became this hero for your own children, your family, friends, co-workers, and yes, even strangers. Repeat these affirmations to be a hero below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Hero affirmations - affirmations for Heroes

Hero affirmations - affirmations for Heroes

I am a hero

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers see me as a hero

I have all the qualities of a hero including courage, leadership, strength, and bravery

People look up to me like their heroes growing up

Sounds a bit silly, but everyone needs a hero. You are that person now! Once your brain has affirmed your status as a hero, your actions, intellect, mind and body will do everything in its power to make this a reality. You are someones hero. You should

Create an Affirmation to be a Hero with support from others

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Affirmations for Leadership will give you the edge you need whether you are commanding troops, co-workers, friends, teammates, or even your family. In order to be able to lead we must first become a leader in the hearts and minds of ourselves, as well as those we seek authority over. Very often you will see someone in a leadership role, but crack under pressure, revealing their inability to lead, or true belief in themselves. Chances are you have seen this plot in a movie, or worse, in real life. The reason so many men and women can not lead effectively is because they have not programmed their mind properly as a leader. As a leader you will need to think, walk, sleep, and command like you are breathing air; it must be second nature. Since our mind and body will obey our commands we must tell it what we want it to do and become. In this case we are ready to become a great, brave, heroic and fair leader. Repeat these affirmations for leadership below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Leadership affirmations - affirmations for Leadership

Leadership affirmations - affirmations for Leadership

I am a leader

I have been a leader all my life and look forward to the privilege and challenge of leading

My friends, family, co-workers, teammates, (and soldiers) view me as their leader and I must be the best leader possible

When others crack under pressure or quit, my leadership skills take over and I shine through adversity

You are ready to become a 5 star general in your personal and professional life! That’s because now you have affirmed you truly are a great leader. With daily and monthly practice, with support, you will be able to transform your mind until leadership is routed so deep within your psyche it has no choice but to manifest itself into your reality. You are certainly a leader, not a follower.

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Affirmations for Motivation is one of the long term solutions to energizing your mind and body. Without motivation we would simply lie in bed all day, and go through life without any passion or zest. To combat this we must begin now to reprogram our minds. It will do what we tell it to do; it simply has no other choice but to listen and obey our commands. The alternative is a life without direction, purpose, or worse, apathy. Chances are you know someone in your life that has no goals, no dreams, no hopes, and they are negative constantly. Even if you are guilty of this, you aren’t to blame necessarily. It is our thoughts that govern our life. With the use of positive motivational affirmations we will begin to look at ourselves, our friends, our family, our lives in general with a new lense – a clearer, brighter future awaits. Repeat these affirmations for motivation below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones.

Motivational affirmations - affirmations for Motivation

Motivational affirmations - affirmations for Motivation

I am motivated

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as a very motivated person

I will not get discouraged by obstacles in life. My motivation remains at an all time high

I welcome today and all its wonders and challenges. I will not be denied

Better than any pep talk I’ve been apart of! That’s because our minds will now read these affirmations and bring them into existence. They go from words on paper, into our subconscious, transformed into reality. You have a new fire lit under you! Your motivation will grow each day with practice and support from others. You should

Create an Affirmation for Motivation with support from others

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Affirmations to be Smart is a way for people to increase how smart they are with a few simple techniques. Our brains will believe anything we tell it to believe. If you are tired of being told you are stupid, unintelligent, or just want to feel smarter, repeat these affirmations below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Smart affirmations - affirmations to be Smart

Smart affirmations - affirmations to be Smart

I am smart

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers see me as an extremely smart person

I am the smartest (man/woman) in the world and no one can degrade my intellect

Don’t you feel smarter already? That’s because your mind is forcing your body to attract what you affirm into reality. You truly are remarkably smart. You should

Create an Affirmation to be Smart with support from others

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Affirmations for your Brain will unlock the potential of the human mind. Our brains are wired to believe everything we touch, taste, see, and tell it – yes we do give our brains orders. Have you ever seen someone cursing themselves, talking negative about their physical body, car, clothes, home, or family? What this does is feed into the negative loop hold of self destruction. Your brain does NOT care what you feed it, but it will repeat what you feed it, and do its best to make it a part of your reality. What can we do to fix this? For starters, stop being negative! Easier said than done, yes, but we have a secret power on our side. The power of positive affirmations for our brain. Let us now reprogram our brains to not only love ourselves, but expand our horizons. Repeat these affirmations for your brain below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Brains affirmations - affirmations for your Brain

Brains affirmations - affirmations for your Brain

I have tremendous brain power

I control my brain and choose to feed it positive, valuable information each day

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers know my brain has enormous capabilities and respect me cognitively and as a person

I love myself, my brain, my body, and mind are working together in perfect harmony

Do you see how great you feel now? That’s because you have no affirmed that your brain is a powerful, beautiful part of your life that deserves your respect and a healthy diet of positive energy. Through daily and monthly practice you will change the way you think about yourself and life in general. You certainly have an amazing brain and life ahead of you. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Brain with support from others

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Affirmations for Intelligence is proven to increase cognitive abilities and performance with classroom students. Studies have shown when groups of students are expected to perform better, and told so, they do everything in their power to make it a reality. Students who have little direction, or belief in themselves score considerably lower scores. Does this mean only the smarter students were encouraged? Of course not. People generally rise to the level of expectations. The same is true for yourself. If you set the bar too low you will never push yourself; same is true for self belief. You must feel intelligent to act intelligently. Free your mind of self doubt, and open your mind with all the vast intelligence you possess. It is time to stop holding yourself back, and embrace your potential. Repeat these affirmations for intelligence below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Intelligence affirmations - affirmations for Intelligence

Intelligence affirmations - affirmations for Intelligence

I am intelligent

I choose to act intelligently throughout my day

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as an intelligent person

I am the most intelligent, creative, unique person in the world whom knows no limits

Don’t you feel more intelligent already? You are beginning to free your minds of its self imposed chains. Whether you have been telling yourself you aren’t smart enough, or friends and family, its time to let yourself know who you are – an intelligent person that does not accept other people to put him/her down. You certainly are very intelligent. You should

Create an Affirmation for Intelligence with support from others

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Affirmations for Fear will help free your mind from the chronic doubt, fear and worry you may be experiencing in your personal and professional life. Whether living in fear of losing a loved one, loss of money, job security, car accidents, etc, the mind can be conditioned to denounce its fear and accept peace of mind once and for all. We will seek out in our reality what we tell our mind is our reality; therefore we must tell ourselves we do not want to live in fear. Sounds simple, but extremely powerful. Repeat these affirmations for fear below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

fear affirmations - affirmations for fearI live without fear

Fear does not control my life and I choose to control my emotions

I accept what life has in store for me with open arms. Regrets or fear have no place in my mind

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers see me as a person with no fear, and know I take bold action when needed

Don’t you feel like living life to its fullest? That’s because you have now affirmed in your mind you will no longer be the victim to chronic fear. Through daily, monthly reminders and support your fear will be a distant memory in the past. You truly are a courageous person on the inside, and shall live free from fear. You should

Create an Affirmation for Fear with support from others

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Affirmations for Children are becoming increasingly popular. The reason is simple. As children grow up they are highly susceptible to suggestions, whether good or bad. If you constantly tell a child he or she is fat, stupid and worthless, they will believe it, and grow up with these deeply ingrained affirmations buried into their minds. As a parent it is your obligation to take care of your child’s health, physical and mental. A great way to get your children to start viewing themselves as special, powerful, smart, creative, etc, is to use affirmations. What these affirmations will do is reinforce your children’s mental health, forming a confidence so strong critism and sligns and arrows deflect off their shield of self confidence, respect, and love. Even if your children are not picked on at school, and are doing well, the human mind can never get enough positive reinforcement. The saying “So the twig is bent, the tree is inclined” has never been truer. Let your childrens base grow as a mighty oak into adulthood. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for them/yourself.

children affirmations - affirmations for children

children affirmations - affirmations for children

(for parents…we need to value our children as well)

My children are smart, strong, energetic, and truly a gift from God to be cherished.

(for children)

I love school because I like learning new things

I am extremely smart, creative, energetic, happy, and strong

I get along with my classmates and friends

I respect my parents

I love my parents and they love me

You and your children, or child, should instantly grow closer. The bonds we have with our children are unlike any other bond in the universe. We are raising our hopes, dreams, and future lineage. You would have loved such a strong support network growing up. Now is your chance to give it to your children.

Create an Affirmation for your Children with support from others

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