
Archive for January, 2010

Affirmations for Happiness is the only real, sustainable path to become “happy”. Happiness is a state of mind, and like any state of mind, it can only exist if the mind is free of doirmations for Happinesubt, worry, fear, and depression. We are hit from all sides daily from the media telling us people are being murdered, starving, accidents, flu viruses, etc. We are taught to be unhappy and to live in a state of perpetual fear. If you have ever been at an event, party, dinner, get-together and knew you should be happy, but weren’t, it’s time to change your brain, not your attitude (which changes too frequently). Your brain will listen to what it is taught and told. It simply has no choice in the matter.

happy affirmations - affirmations for happiness

happy affirmations - affirmations for happiness

I’m so Happy today

Today is a great, beautiful day, and I’m happier than ever

I’m ok where I’m at in my life, and choose to be happy and secure with myself

Everyone knows me as a Happy person that they love to be around

Don’t you feel happier already? And you should! Happiness isn’t found on the top of Mt. Everest, or the depths of the oceans. It lives inside your mind. When you are sleeping you can fly, fight epic battles, make love…all while you lay drooling on yourself on a couch. Do not forget how powerful your mind is. You determine if you are happy, and only you. Outside factors are meaningless. You should

Create an Affirmation for your personal Happiness with support from others

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Affirmations for Anxiety is one of the best ways to conquer your anxiety fears. We all must live inside the confines of our own mind. Everything we perceive, touch, taste, sense, must be processed by our brains. Anxiety can be seen as constantly assuming negative consequences before an event takes place, or during. They are negative affirmations which you unwillingly help perpetuate. How many times have you told yourself one of these negative reinforcing affirmations?

I can’t do it

I’m not good enough

I’ll be laughed at

I’ll fail

I suck at public speaking

The list goes on and on. Anxiety is learned, and therefore can be unlearned, or at least retrained. Your brain is a muscle. Like bench pressing, curling, or squatting, you need to exercise your mind to make it healthy for daily life tasks. Try some of these affirmations to beat your anxiety (of course you can personalize others).

anxiety affirmations - affirmations for anxiety

anxiety affirmations - affirmations for anxiety

Anxiety does not control me

If I feel anxious I will remind myself I don’t have to be

I am stronger than my anxiety

Don’t you feel empowered already? Anxiety is no laughing matter, and everyone seems to struggle with limited or severe anxiety. Once you discover you are in the driver seat, you can bombard your mind, conscious and unconscious with positive affirmations to beat your anxiety once and for all. You should

Create an Affirmation to beat your Anxiety with support from others

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Affirmations for Weight Loss is a scientific approach to your personal fitness. The mind and body are deeply interconnected. If your mind believes one thing, your body must also believe it (your brain controls it). If you tell your arm to move forward it does, if you tell your body you’re tired over and over eventually you become fatigued; if you tell yourself you look great and are losing weight each day, chances are your body will obey your commands. Here are some weight loss affirmations you can use (and personalize them please).

weightloss affirmations - affirmations for weight loss

weightloss affirmations - affirmations for weight loss

My body is shedding fat daily

I look great today and continue to lose weight

My weight is (your desired weight), and I will continue to eat right, exercise, and feel good about myself along my weight loss journey.

Jokes, stares, laughs, fear, will not discourage me from losing my weight

I am fearless and I can and will lose this weight

Isn’t it like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders? (pun intended). That’s because you have allowed yourself to stop guessing about weight loss and bringing it from a thought, into existence. Once you write a thought down, affirm it, and have others read it, it is sure to become a reality. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Weight Loss with support from others

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Affirmations to beat Cancer is a multi-step approach to treating both your mind and body. Some things we can simply not change with our minds, but the majority of times we have complete control over our body, or at the very least, can impact our physical lives significantly. Cancer is a serious thing. It can kill, and usually breaks people’s mental spirit and will to live. Of course, physical therapies are enormously important, but just as important, if not more, is your mental therapy. Do you feel alone in your right? Do you have the energy to fight this off? Even if the answer is no, or unsure right now, you can change your mind. After all, look what a great positive attitude has done ofr the life of Lance Armstrong. Without a huge will to live, to keep fighting, and the belief, down to your core that you will beat it, you will certainly lose…but we aren’t here to lose. We are here to WIN! You are a miracle of life. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones.

cancer affirmations - affirmations for cancer

cancer affirmations - affirmations for cancer

Cancer is not my enemy. It is part of my life that I will overcome and be victorious.

Cancer can not beat me. I know this, and so does it. It is only a matter of time before I get 100% healthy.

I am healthy and look forward to many more years of life.

I am cancer free and my mind and body fight off all opponents (foreign and domestic)

I am a better person for having Cancer and beating it

I am not a victim

My friends, family, and loved ones support me in everything I do

Doesn’t it feel good to know you have a network of people routing for your health? Well, you do! It is probably hard to realize cancer isn’t an enemy or that you aren’t a victim, but rather it is simply a part of your life. It does not define your life. You are truly a miracle, and an inspiration. I would wish you luck, but you don’t need luck. You have conviction, belief, and determination. You should

Create an Affirmation to beat your Cancer with support from others

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Self Esteem Affirmations will help you remember what you forgot so long ago…that you are good looking, caring, strong, courageous, determined, and well-respected. Self esteem issues usually start to surface around the years of puberty; when kids and teenagers tell you what you are and what you aren’t. No one likes to be told they are fat, unathletic, or ugly. When we were younger our parents built us up from the ground up. They told us how good looking we were, smart, creative, and can do anything we wanted in life. But as the years went on, the chinks in the armor were exposed. The negatives began to outweigh the positive affirmations and soon we let others tell us, who we were. Or even worse, our parents, or no role model growing up gave you positive reinforcing affirmations for your self esteem. It was their weakness, not yours. But we can change our future, not our past. You are still here; still alive, still wiling to continue the good fight. You are a warrior whether you realize or not. A gladiator in this game we call life. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for yourself.

self esteem affirmations - affirmations for self esteem

self esteem affirmations - affirmations for self esteem

I command respect from my peers, friends, family and co-workers

I love myself. I am all that there is and therefore I must love myself more than anyone in this world.

I am smart, creative, and a problem-solver.

People like to be around me because I’m a genuine, well-balanced person

I look and feel great. I will not allow anyone to take my self esteem away.

I am number one

You can feel a change in yourself already! You beat the odds to even be here today, and you have been dwelling at what you don’t like about yourself or life. You are awesome. You don’t need anyone else’s approval. It’s time to remind yourself you are the gladiator and in control of your own feelings. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Self Esteem with support from others

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Affirmations for Health is a vital part of your physical and mental well-being. When people think of health they automatically focus too heavily on the physical. While an important factor, equally important is ones psychological, spiritual, mental health. All the crunches in the world won’t fix how you view yourself, or allow you to truly love the way you look and feel. Ultimately you have to change your mind if you want to become a healthy person from inside and out. A great way of doing this is by constantly reminding yourself how great you are! Sounds silly, but if you don’t, no one else will. God helps those that help themselves is true. Your health is under YOUR control. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones.

health affirmations - affirmations for health

health affirmations - affirmations for health

I control my health

My body is a temple. I will not poison my mind or body with negativity or unhealthy foods.

I choose to live a healthy livestyle.

I am physically and mentally healthy, strong, and can not be phased by unwarranted critism.

Don’t you feel healthier without actually doing anything? But in reality you have done something; once you read your affirmations they become reality. You are in control over your health. Not insurance companies or the government. You are responsible for your physical and mental health. You are empowered, healthy as a horse, and strong-minded. You will be healthy the rest of your life. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Health with support from others

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Hello and Welcome! Relax, grab a snack, open your mind, and get ready to change your life for the better.

The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.

– Marcus Aurelius

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

– James Allen

You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.

– Darwin P. Kingsley

Are you personally using the power of positive thinking to better your life, or the ones you love? The greatest minds throughout time have known the power of positive affirmations, shaping one’s life, but how does it work exactly? There are many guesses to why it works, but many believe we are all deeply connected, and can call upon the divine within us to manifest our world around us. It is religious and scientific; an atheist or devote religious person will achieve the same results. As long as YOU sincerely believe in what you are wishing for, you will most likely attain it. What is it you want most out of life? A new car, better health, a raise, fulfilling relationships are some of the most common answers. If you write out what you want and repeat it daily your life will begin to attract what you wish for most. Now that we know the mind can help shape the world we live in…

What if dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people were wishing your dreams to come through each month? Studies have shown large groups of people have actually influenced surrounding areas through the process of massive group meditation, praying, wishing, affirming (call it what you will) for peace in the area.

“A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research reports on one of the most dramatic sociological experiments ever undertaken. Researchers predicted in advance that the calming influence of group meditation practice could reduce violent crime by over 20 percent in Washington, D.C., during an 8-week period in the summer of 1993.

In fact, the findings later showed that the rate of violent crime–which included assaults, murders, and rapes–decreased by 23 percent during the June 7 to July 30 experimental period. The odds of this result occurring by chance are less than 2 in 1 billion.”
In less than 2 months crime dropped 23% with only 4,000 participants! The people of D.C. took the principles behind affirmations and applied it on a large scale. “Hagelin says previous research had shown that these meditation techniques “create a state of deep relaxation and coherence in the individual and simultaneously appear to produce an effect that spreads into the environment, influencing people who are not practicing the techniques and who have no knowledge of the experiments themselves.”

The collective consciousness is real, and extremely powerful. Would you like to tap into the power of multiple people reading your wishes each month? To become part of this special collective, you must submit what it is you want more than anything in the world (think about it), either for yourself or someone you care about. It should be easy for others to read and wish along side of you to bring into the “real world”. Avoid using, “I” “me”, etc. You don’t have to use your full name if you aren’t comfortable. Example:

Have John (your name) beat diabetes and run a 5k in 2011

Let Jane Doe (your name) become recognized for her achievements at work and get a raise

Bring John Doe (persons name) home safe from Iraq

Give John Doe (persons name) the strength to beat her cancer and become healthy again

The affirmation is free of course, but here’s our problem, and we hate to ask but these affirmations are going to be prayed on, and spoken aloud by our exclusive collective group each month. We ask for a .99 cents membership. We want to thank you very much, and know that your membership is valued and look forward to wishing your affirmations come true. This avoids frivolous, insincere spam postings, and allows our members to focus on each individuals affirmations more intensely. It protects real affirmations from the fakes. Does this mean everything we wish for comes true? Not always, but

Testimonials (Send testimonials to affirmationsunited@yahoo.com  )

I wasn’t working out, or treating my girlfriend right. I subscribed, wished for something positive to happen in my life, and now I’m back at work and our relationship is stronger than ever

– Kurt

All my girl friends told me I was negative and I needed to be more positive. I stumbled upon this group and decided to try it…now they ask me why I’m always happy, lol

-Cassandra C

I’m not very religious but the idea of shaping my life through thought always intrigued me…It’s like going to work everyday knowing I have an army of people wishing me success…what a great feeling!


The great thinker Earl Nightingale tells us the power of our minds…After viewing this video, click the Subscribe button to have dozens, hundreds, and soon to be thousands of people routing, cheering, praying for your success. Remember though, we only ask that you read other peoples Affirmations at least once per month. We will all work together to further ourselves.

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar

By now you are probably excited about this new opportunity to change your life, for only pennies a day. Do not let fear, doubt, anxiety, or worry control your life anymore. You are in the driver seat. Click the button below to become a member of Affirmations United. Be sure to email your affirmations to affirmationsunited@yahoo.com once you become a member!

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
-William Shakespeare


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These Affirmations are read by each of our members at least once a month. We are in this together and will benefit from helping each other out. Please read these with belief and conviction. Some are not true, yet, and others are future tense. To have your Affirmation/Wish/Prayer listed please read here:

1 ) Matthew A is the greatest friend, brother and one day parent in the world

2 ) Keith Long is a famous film producer, script writer, and comedian

3 ) Kurt can hit a softball farther than anyone else

4 ) Cassandra Chambers has a great job and will soon become a Home Owner.

5 ) Scott Anton is becoming the strongest person in the World.

6 ) Zack’s band is going to be famous by 2011.

7 ) Stephanie is going to be the best Mother in the World

8 ) Rich Gesualdi attracts wealth and happiness where ever he goes.

9 ) L. Grant will graduate from college with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

10) Vernon is starting his own business and is respected and admired by his co-workers, family, and friends.

11) Brenda has moved up significantly in her company and will continue to progress in her career and life.

12) Become the 12th Affirmation read by our United Group of positive thinking, powerful individuals to help you achieve your success!

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Congratulations on becoming a member of Affirmations United. Please EMAIL the affirmation you want listed on the website for our other members to read alongside you each day/month. Send the affirmation to this email


Be sure to email from your paypal email (to verify), or reference your paypal email within the email.


Subject: Affirmations United Membership

Body: Write your Affirmation and email it.

Thank you. We wish you continued success and look forward to your contributions to the whole.

-Affirmations United


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