
Archive for May, 2010

Unique Affirmations are those that are designed specifically for you. They are most likely related to your personal passions or beliefs about yourself. For some people, they do not know what they truly want in life, or even who they want to be in life. We must begin now to think what role we want to play for the play of life, and then become that role. What do you suppose the difference between yourself and a congressman? Of course there are obvious differences being perceived wealth and power, but the reality is the difference exists in your brain. You have all the tools you need to succeed and become a powerful, successful, loving, caring, wealthy individual – all we need is to utilize our strongest weapon, or mind. Repeat these affirmations to be unique below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Unique Affirmations - Affirmations to be Unique

Unique Affirmations - Affirmations to be Unique

I am a unique and extremely gifted human being

My uniqueness comes from my difference. My difference and value I add to peoples personal and professional lives is my unlimited wealth supply

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as a unique, special person, they view with respect, integrity and admiration

You are a unique snowflake! While it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, you are in fact a unique person offering things only you can into this world. Through daily and monthly affirmations you can turn your unique gifts into amazing tangible and intangible qualities. You have a wonderful life ahead of you.

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Affirmations for Self is the core principle of affirmations. Our minds, psyche, ego need to be reminded and told exactly who we are, and what we want to accomplish in our lifetime. Many people go throughout the day without direction, motivation, or any type of game plan. Even if you are a spontaneous person it is vitally important to understand your inner self – what it is you want most out of life. For some this might be more money, faster car, love, better relationships, power, or respect. Regardless of your wants and needs, they can all be achieved by affirming them, written, verbalized and visualized. Repeat these affirmations for self below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

self affirmations - affirmations for self

self affirmations - affirmations for self

I accept and love myself

I achieve anything and everything I set out to do. I will not be defeated by obstacles or adversity. I will persist until I succeed

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers see me as the person I want to become: a strong, loving, caring, trusting, admired and respected friend, lover, parent, and co-worker.

Your self is now aligned! You have now affirmed some basic principles to better your chi, or balance in life. Through daily and monthly affirmations you will create and manifest the life you have always dreamt of. You have an amazing life ahead of you. You should

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Most Popular Affirmations are usually somewhat generic messages that can be altered to fit your personal preferences. They are found in principle and years of knowledge and experience to understand what universal truths are good to feed our minds, and which are frivolous, or at best, person specific. Whatever affirmation(s) you choose for yourself, you must truly believe in the statement, verbalize it, and visualize it. Pictures and audio tapes also help in the process of programming our minds to follow our mapped out self and life plan. Repeat these most popular affirmations below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Popular Affirmations - Most Popular Affirmations

Popular Affirmations - Most Popular Affirmations

I attract positive people, events, and situations into my life

I am in control of my physical and mental health. I choose to be physically fit and mentally strong to better handle any and all obstacles and adversity in my life

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as a strong, powerful, wealthy, successful, honest, caring person that achieves anything and everything I set out to do

You’re on the path to success! You have now affirmed you are willing and ready to transform your thinking to become a more positive and productive person. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others your dreams will manifest into reality. You have an amazing life ahead of you. You should

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Affirmations for Physical Fitness will give you the proper mindset to transform your physical health for the better. Often times we view ourselves in a negative light. This in turn changes how we feel about ourselves, and how we carry ourselves. Other people can sense we are not truly in love with our self and therefore do not give the proper respect, admiration, and credit we deserve. To change how the world perceives us, we must first change how we view ourselves. All change does truly come from within. Our minds will execute any and all orders; let us give it some positive ones. Repeat these affirmations for physical fitness below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Physical Affirmations - Affirmations for Physical Fitness

Physical Affirmations - Affirmations for Physical Fitness

I am physically strong, good looking, powerful, and in great shape

I love my body

I have physical gifts others do not possess that make me amazing

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers view me as a physically gifted and beautiful person capable of achieving any and all goals in life

Prepare for glory! You have now affirmed you value your physical body and will begin to carry yourself in a more respected manner. Through daily and monthly affirmations this will become your new way of thinking, and healthier eating and exercise will be a natural progression. You have a long, wonderful life ahead of you. You should

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Affirmations for Greatness will empower your mind to begin to attract into your life all the great things life has to offer. Whether it is more money, love, better relationships, a raise at work, or more respect, affirmations can make these all a reality. By affirming statements about ourselves, verbalizing them, and visualizing them, we make them become part of our psyche. We will begin to project and attract our new way of thinking, and ultimately bring about real change. Nothing great has ever been accomplished without motivation and action. Repeat these affirmations for greatness below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Great Affirmations - Affirmations for Greatness

Great Affirmations - Affirmations for Greatness

Today is a great day

I have greatness coursing through my veins. Everything and anything I set out to accomplish I achieve because I am driven, successful, powerful and well respected

People see me as a great person, with a high level of intelligence, confidence, and courage to take action when needed

You are great! You have now affirmed some basic affirmations for greatness. Unlocking this potential feels right, and you are ready to become a master of your mind. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will become the great person you were destined to become. You have a great life ahead of you. You should

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Affirmations Examples are numerous but they all follow the basic template. They are written statements that deal with what you want to become or achieve in your life. They are not written in the future tense, as this implies they have not happened yet. We condition our minds to believe things growing up: Santa, the Easter bunny, fairy tales, etc (our minds believe what we tell it). Through time the principles of affirming statements, verbalizing them, visualizing them makes them a reality in your mind, which then manifests itself into your every day life. Whether you want more money, success, power, love, better relationships, or an exciting life, you are in the driver seat and can truly change your life. Repeat these examples of affirmations below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Example Affirmations - Affirmations Examples

Example Affirmations - Affirmations Examples

I believe I have the power to shape my life. Through the power of affirmations I am becoming the person I have always wanted to become, with a satisfying, fulfilling life

I attract positive people, situations, and events into my life.

I am successful, good looking, powerful, dedicated and wealthy

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers see me as a great person and know I accomplish everything I set out to do

You have the power! These examples of affirmations help showcase the power of your mind. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will transform your life. You have an amazing life ahead of you. You should

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Eternal Affirmations are those that stand the test of time. They are ageless principles that do not bend or yield to pop culture or man made laws. Throughout history man and woman have wanted love, money, power, success, admiration, respect, integrity, honesty, and control over their own lives. The last part is key; you do have control over your life. Whether you believe it or not, our minds control our thoughts which control our actions, which control how the world perceives us. By affirming positive statements, verbalizing, and visualizing them, the eternal principles of the greatest minds ever to live can be yours

Eternal Affirmations - Affirmations Eternal

Eternal Affirmations - Affirmations Eternal

I attract love, money, power, and success into my life

People see me as a person of great integrity, admiration, honesty, and they respect me

I have the knowledge of the greatest minds to ever live and can tap into the unconscious truth within us all

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers view me as a person that shapes their own life, and lives an amazingly great life that I have set out for myself

Your time is now! You have now affirmed some basic principles that are ever lasting eternal affirmations. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will transform your life. You have a great life ahead of you. You should

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Affirmations for Eating Disorders will allow you to tackle the root cause of any disorder, whether it is a physical dependence on a food or drug, or a mental one. Affirmations give us the ability to redirect and refocus what we think about, project, and what we attract into our lives. Many people use food as a crutch; a distraction from the world, stress reliever, entertainment, or boredom. We must begin now to train our mind to view food as a fuel source, and not the enemy, or even something that has power over us. Repeat these affirmations for eating disorders below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Eating Disorders Affirmations - Affirmations for Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Affirmations - Affirmations for Eating Disorders

Food does not control me. It is merely a source of energy and I choose to eat a balanced healthy meal to sustain my lifestyle

I am not afraid of food. I do not eat when I am not hungry, and I do not binge eat. Throwing up, overeating, and anxiety about food is no longer my reality

My friends, family, strangers, and co-workers see me as a healthy person that controls what enters my temple, which is my body. People see me as a well balanced, healthy eater.

Way to go! You have now affirmed you are ready to change your eating habits. This will take some time but through daily and monthly affirmations your new mindset will transform not only the types of meals you eat, but how often, and what portion sizes. You have a great, healthy life filled with the proper nutrition. You should

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Affirmations for a Broken Heart is the only true way to get over a traumatic experience, breakup, or abuse of trust. This isn’t to say you have to forgive the person, but it is essential for you to accept it and move on with your life. The alternative is playing the victim, staying sad, spirally into depression, and repeating negative cycles in your life. We will begin now to love ourselves anew, and reaffirm what we are capable of doing, and whom we really are.

Broken Heart Affirmations - Affirmations for Broken Heart

Broken Heart Affirmations - Affirmations for Broken Heart

I understand life is not always fair but I refuse to be upset, negative, full of hate, regret, and distrust of possible new relationships and experiences

I love myself, and I project that. Others around me see me as a loving, honest person, and I attract positive people, situations, and events into my life

My family, friends, strangers, and co-workers know I do not let traumatic experiences or relationships define me. I am a strong, caring, determined person. Nothing will break me

My heart is mended and I am ready to trust and love again

You have now affirmed you will not let a broken heart stay broken. You are better than that. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will enhance your personal and professional life. You have many great friendships and love in your future. You should

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Affirmations for Bedtime is a way to get your mind and body relax while you attempt to go to sleep at night. Many people have trouble sleeping for various reasons: anxiety, worries about bills, relationships, work, personal life, etc. We must begin now to reprogram our mind to focus on the good in our lives, as well as the ability to leave the days trials in tribulations behind once we enter our bedrooms. Repeat these affirmations for bed time below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Before Bed Affirmations - Affirmations for Bedtime

Before Bed Affirmations - Affirmations for Bedtime

I am relaxed, tired, and ready to fall asleep

I am mentally and physically safe, and I leave the stresses of the day behind me

My family, friends, strangers, and co-workers see me as a person with a clean conscious that sleeps very well at night

Good night! Doesn’t it feel good to be able to cut loose and prepare for quality sleep? That’s because you have now affirmed you are ready for bed and forgo the daily stresses of your life. Through daily and monthly affirmations you will begin to sleep better and improve your overall attitude and health. You have a great day ahead of you, and a great night’s sleep. You should

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