
Archive for December, 2010

All Seasons Diner
Located at

176 Wyckoff Road,

Phone: 732-542-9462.
All Seasons Diner Places Page.

All Seasons Diner

Reviewed by Jeff Murtok on

December 19 2010
Quality food, excellent service, and an elegant atmosphere
All Seasons Diner located in Eatontown NJ has been serving up delicious meals for decades. The menu is replete with choices and varieties from the famous moussaka (Greek dish) to more traditional plates such as open faced turkey and pastrami sandwiches, the value is simply inimitable.

Located conveniently by the Monmouth Mall on route 36, off of route 35, All Seasons has been recently renovated to showcase its elegance and large spacious, friendly seating and milieu which is manifest at the front door – literally – with big heavy glass doors, tile floors, and wood working trim finishes, it’s a great place to grab a bite to eat with the family, or say hello to the affable owners. Definitely recommend to all in the jersey shore area.

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Affirmations for Memory will boost your minds capability of recalling both old and new information. Since your mind is a machine, with inputs and outputs (inputs are what you tell it to do), you must begin to feed it positive information and affirmations in order to help it do the tasks you want it to accomplish. In the case of memory, you will be hard pressed to find someone with a fantastic memory who does not believe they have a great memory. If you constantly tell yourself negative things about your own memory, chances are your brain will begin to accept them as reality. It is time to change the way you think about your own memory in order to maximize its potential. Repeat these affirmations for memory below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Memory Affirmations - Affirmations for Memory

Memory Affirmations - Affirmations for Memory

I have an excellent memory

Everything I read, see, or hear I remember, and have the ability to recall it instantly

My friends, family, friends, co-workers and strangers see me as a person with a tremendous memory

Don’t you feel your memory awakening, operating at full capacity? That’s because it is! Once you affirm your memory is excellent, your mind and body will follow orders and begin to make it a reality. Whether reading a new book, listening to cassettes, or every day conversations, your memory is developing into a steel trap, capturing everything and anything around you, ready to be recalled. You do have a great memory.

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Affirmations for Lust will give you the edge you need when dealing with either your significant other or someone you are physically attracted to. To have someone lust after you, you must attract them into your life, on multiple levels. People are attracted to personality, your body, smell, money and power. But what if you are lacking these traits, or want to develop them? These traits come from within. Once your mind affirms and accepts the fact that you do possess these traits, your actions, attitude and posture will play the role of a person most women or men want to lust after. Repeat these affirmations for lust below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself

(for men)

women Lust Affirmations - Affirmations for women Lust

women Lust Affirmations - Affirmations for women Lust

Women Lust after me

I am extremely attractive, with a lustful body, powerful and wealthy

Women want to have sex with me, be around me, and seen with me because I am powerful, smart, sexy and rich





(for women)

men Lust Affirmations - Affirmations for Lust men

men Lust Affirmations - Affirmations for Lust men

Men Lust after me

I am extremely attractive, with a lustful body, powerful and wealthy

Men want to have sex with me, be around me, and seen with me because I am powerful, smart, sexy and rich

Don’t you feel yourself oozing lust? That’s because you are! Whomever you want to attract and seduce in your life, there will be no way they can resist your advances. Now that your mind has affirmed your status as a lust symbol.

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Affirmations for Love would bankrupt the match making industry if they became more well-known. In order to attract love into your life you must understand what exactly you want in a relationship. This means acknowledging the fact you are ready for love, and believing other people are capable of loving you. If you say you want love, but take actions that would contradict this such as one night stands and flirtation with multiple women or men, you are lying to yourself and either need to change your mind, or actions. You must ask your inner-self if you truly want love. If the answer is yes, then you must begin reprogramming your mind, reinforcing the notion that you not only want love, but you attract love into your life. Love can be different things for many people. Whether love for family, friends, co-workers or even strangers, it is the most powerful force in the universe. Repeat these affirmations for love below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Love Affirmations - Affirmations for Love

Love Affirmations - Affirmations for Love

I accept Love into my life

I attract Love throughout my day, and others see me as a loving, caring person

My love knows no bounds, and I am open to new experiences and relationships

Don’t you feel ready for love? That’s because you are! Once you acknowledge what you truly want in life, affirm it, and believe it; it will most certainly manifest into reality. You attract love into your life in all forms. What a tremendous power you possess.


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Affirmations for Laughter is a sure way to increase the amount of laughs and happiness in your personal and professional life. Do you know someone that is always jovial, care free, and seems to laugh and smile all the time? Chances are they are a lot of fun to hang around and maintain a positive attitude. You can be this person. All it takes is to reprogram our minds to seek laughter and allow it to become part of our personality. Through positive affirmations you can be the man / woman that is always smiling, laughing, and enjoying life. Repeat these affirmations for laughter below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Laughter Affirmations - Affirmations for Laughter

Laughter Affirmations - Affirmations for Laughter

I love to laugh

I accept laughter in my life and attract people and situations that enjoy having a good time

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as a person that loves to laugh, and they always want to be around me

Laughter is a part of my daily life

Doesn’t it feel good to laugh? Of course! Now you have affirmed laughter into your life and soon it will become a part of your reality. Through daily and monthly practice with support, these affirmations will indeed change your life. You are a great person with lots of laughs ahead of them.

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Affirmations to stop Hunger is a weight loss technique that works because it tackles the heart of the problem – desire to constantly eat. Our want for food comes from our mind. In order to reprogram our mind, we must tell it exactly what we want it to do, and not to do. We believe everything we tell ourselves with great conviction. Through this strategy of positive affirmations you will be able to suppress and beat your hunger. You don’t have to be a slave to your hunger, and you will soon realize the power of your mind, psyche, and subconscious. Repeat these affirmations for hunger below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Hunger Affirmations - Affirmations for Hunger

Hunger Affirmations - Affirmations for Hunger

I am not hungry

My hunger does not control me. I decide when and what to eat

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as a person in control over their hunger and support my eating decisions

Food is a part of my life. It is not a defining factor in my life and hunger is no longer an issue for me

Doesn’t it feel good to address the real issues? That’s because you are now properly armed and trained to combat the root of this problem – your old way of thinking. Through daily and monthly affirmations and support from others you will change your way of thinking for the better. You are a great person and in control over your hunger.

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Affirmations for Hope is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. For those that say hope is for the hopeless, they do not understand the human psyche. We all need hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, health, love, friendships, money, etc. Our minds will carry out any and all orders we give it. This means we can program our minds to stay positive and keep the faith / hope alive and well. It will allow us to get out of bed every morning and strive for more. Repeat these affirmations for hope below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Hope Affirmations - Affirmations for Hope

Hope Affirmations - Affirmations for Hope

I do not just hope for a better life. I take action daily to ensure a better tomorrow

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers see me as a positive person filled with hope, and the attitude to conquer all my obstacles

I have hope for myself, those I love, and the world. We all need something to strive for and I live my life to the fullest everyday

Yes we can! You have now affirmed you not only have hope for a better future, but you are ready to do something about it today. Through daily and monthly affirmations, you will begin to attract anything you want into your life. You have a great life, with lots of dreams and ambitions you will most certainly obtain.

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Affirmations for Honesty is a way to be more honest in your personal and professional life. Telling the truth and telling lies is habitual. If you constantly tell little lies, you will be able to tell them more frequently and with more conviction. The same is true with the truth. If you practice being honest, and command your mind to follow your orders, you will be seen as a more trustworthy person. Honest Abe won’t have anything on you! Repeat these affirmations for honesty below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Honest Affirmations - Affirmations for Honesty

Honest Affirmations - Affirmations for Honesty

I am an honest person

I always tell the truth

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as an honest person and know they can trust me

My honesty is part of my integrity and people love that about me

Doesn’t it feel good to be thought of as honest and truthful? That’s because you now are! Once you affirm what you want to become your mind and body will do its best to attract it into your life, and make it part of your identity. You are an honest person and deserve the trust and respect from those around you.

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Affirmations for Hockey Players is a way to become a more dominant player on the ice, a better teammate, and an overall better person. When we think of ice hockey we automatically assume it’s just a physical, barbaric sport; it is very tough, but equally important is mental toughness. We must condition our minds to become the player we know we can be deep inside our psyche. Repeat these affirmations for hockey below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Hockey Affirmations - Affirmations for Hockey

Hockey Affirmations - Affirmations for Hockey

I am a great hockey player

My friends, family, teammates, and strangers see me as the greatest hockey player and know they can count on me to do my best and lead by example

I am the greatest hockey player because I love it. I will never break physically or mentally and I welcome any and all challenges

He shoots, he scores! You have now affirmed you are a great hockey player – what you knew all along! Through daily and monthly affirmations you will begin to attract things into your life that make you a better person, athlete and hockey player. You have a lot of great hockey years ahead of you.

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Affirmations for Football will give you the mental fortitude to conquer not only your fears, but your enemies. Football is an extremely physical game, but it is also mentally demanding. Most train their bodies, not their minds. It is time to begin thinking of yourself as an impenetrable wall capable of plowing over any man or object that gets in your way. Unlike Colossus your armor will come from within. The mind is extremely potent; lets utilize it. Self doubt, worry, fear, will cripple your performance out on the field. Instead of worrying about possible negative outcomes, you must begin now to not only visualize victory, but affirm it. Repeat these affirmations for football below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Football Affirmations - Affirmations for Football

Football Affirmations - Affirmations for Football

I am a football superstar

I hit harder and run faster than any human being

I am the best football quarterback and make the right reads and throws every time

I am the best runner and receiver on my football team

My friends, family, and fans know I am the greatest football player they have ever seen

We must protect this house! Now that you have affirmed your greatness in football, it’s time to stick with it. Daily, monthly affirmations will turn these from words into reality. All you have to do is believe, the rest will take care of itself. You are a great football player.

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