
Posts Tagged ‘affirmations examples’

Affirmations Examples are numerous but they all follow the basic template. They are written statements that deal with what you want to become or achieve in your life. They are not written in the future tense, as this implies they have not happened yet. We condition our minds to believe things growing up: Santa, the Easter bunny, fairy tales, etc (our minds believe what we tell it). Through time the principles of affirming statements, verbalizing them, visualizing them makes them a reality in your mind, which then manifests itself into your every day life. Whether you want more money, success, power, love, better relationships, or an exciting life, you are in the driver seat and can truly change your life. Repeat these examples of affirmations below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Example Affirmations - Affirmations Examples

Example Affirmations - Affirmations Examples

I believe I have the power to shape my life. Through the power of affirmations I am becoming the person I have always wanted to become, with a satisfying, fulfilling life

I attract positive people, situations, and events into my life.

I am successful, good looking, powerful, dedicated and wealthy

My friends, family, co-workers and strangers see me as a great person and know I accomplish everything I set out to do

You have the power! These examples of affirmations help showcase the power of your mind. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will transform your life. You have an amazing life ahead of you. You should

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