
Posts Tagged ‘affirmations for broken heart’

Affirmations for a Broken Heart is the only true way to get over a traumatic experience, breakup, or abuse of trust. This isn’t to say you have to forgive the person, but it is essential for you to accept it and move on with your life. The alternative is playing the victim, staying sad, spirally into depression, and repeating negative cycles in your life. We will begin now to love ourselves anew, and reaffirm what we are capable of doing, and whom we really are.

Broken Heart Affirmations - Affirmations for Broken Heart

Broken Heart Affirmations - Affirmations for Broken Heart

I understand life is not always fair but I refuse to be upset, negative, full of hate, regret, and distrust of possible new relationships and experiences

I love myself, and I project that. Others around me see me as a loving, honest person, and I attract positive people, situations, and events into my life

My family, friends, strangers, and co-workers know I do not let traumatic experiences or relationships define me. I am a strong, caring, determined person. Nothing will break me

My heart is mended and I am ready to trust and love again

You have now affirmed you will not let a broken heart stay broken. You are better than that. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will enhance your personal and professional life. You have many great friendships and love in your future. You should

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