
Posts Tagged ‘affirmations for children’

Affirmations for Children are becoming increasingly popular. The reason is simple. As children grow up they are highly susceptible to suggestions, whether good or bad. If you constantly tell a child he or she is fat, stupid and worthless, they will believe it, and grow up with these deeply ingrained affirmations buried into their minds. As a parent it is your obligation to take care of your child’s health, physical and mental. A great way to get your children to start viewing themselves as special, powerful, smart, creative, etc, is to use affirmations. What these affirmations will do is reinforce your children’s mental health, forming a confidence so strong critism and sligns and arrows deflect off their shield of self confidence, respect, and love. Even if your children are not picked on at school, and are doing well, the human mind can never get enough positive reinforcement. The saying “So the twig is bent, the tree is inclined” has never been truer. Let your childrens base grow as a mighty oak into adulthood. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for them/yourself.

children affirmations - affirmations for children

children affirmations - affirmations for children

(for parents…we need to value our children as well)

My children are smart, strong, energetic, and truly a gift from God to be cherished.

(for children)

I love school because I like learning new things

I am extremely smart, creative, energetic, happy, and strong

I get along with my classmates and friends

I respect my parents

I love my parents and they love me

You and your children, or child, should instantly grow closer. The bonds we have with our children are unlike any other bond in the universe. We are raising our hopes, dreams, and future lineage. You would have loved such a strong support network growing up. Now is your chance to give it to your children.

Create an Affirmation for your Children with support from others

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