
Posts Tagged ‘Affirmations for Honesty’

Affirmations for Honesty is a way to be more honest in your personal and professional life. Telling the truth and telling lies is habitual. If you constantly tell little lies, you will be able to tell them more frequently and with more conviction. The same is true with the truth. If you practice being honest, and command your mind to follow your orders, you will be seen as a more trustworthy person. Honest Abe won’t have anything on you! Repeat these affirmations for honesty below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Honest Affirmations - Affirmations for Honesty

Honest Affirmations - Affirmations for Honesty

I am an honest person

I always tell the truth

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers see me as an honest person and know they can trust me

My honesty is part of my integrity and people love that about me

Doesn’t it feel good to be thought of as honest and truthful? That’s because you now are! Once you affirm what you want to become your mind and body will do its best to attract it into your life, and make it part of your identity. You are an honest person and deserve the trust and respect from those around you.

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