
Posts Tagged ‘affirmations for weight loss’

Affirmations for Weight Loss is a scientific approach to your personal fitness. The mind and body are deeply interconnected. If your mind believes one thing, your body must also believe it (your brain controls it). If you tell your arm to move forward it does, if you tell your body you’re tired over and over eventually you become fatigued; if you tell yourself you look great and are losing weight each day, chances are your body will obey your commands. Here are some weight loss affirmations you can use (and personalize them please).

weightloss affirmations - affirmations for weight loss

weightloss affirmations - affirmations for weight loss

My body is shedding fat daily

I look great today and continue to lose weight

My weight is (your desired weight), and I will continue to eat right, exercise, and feel good about myself along my weight loss journey.

Jokes, stares, laughs, fear, will not discourage me from losing my weight

I am fearless and I can and will lose this weight

Isn’t it like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders? (pun intended). That’s because you have allowed yourself to stop guessing about weight loss and bringing it from a thought, into existence. Once you write a thought down, affirm it, and have others read it, it is sure to become a reality. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Weight Loss with support from others

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