
Posts Tagged ‘anxiety affirmations’

Affirmations for Anxiety is one of the best ways to conquer your anxiety fears. We all must live inside the confines of our own mind. Everything we perceive, touch, taste, sense, must be processed by our brains. Anxiety can be seen as constantly assuming negative consequences before an event takes place, or during. They are negative affirmations which you unwillingly help perpetuate. How many times have you told yourself one of these negative reinforcing affirmations?

I can’t do it

I’m not good enough

I’ll be laughed at

I’ll fail

I suck at public speaking

The list goes on and on. Anxiety is learned, and therefore can be unlearned, or at least retrained. Your brain is a muscle. Like bench pressing, curling, or squatting, you need to exercise your mind to make it healthy for daily life tasks. Try some of these affirmations to beat your anxiety (of course you can personalize others).

anxiety affirmations - affirmations for anxiety

anxiety affirmations - affirmations for anxiety

Anxiety does not control me

If I feel anxious I will remind myself I don’t have to be

I am stronger than my anxiety

Don’t you feel empowered already? Anxiety is no laughing matter, and everyone seems to struggle with limited or severe anxiety. Once you discover you are in the driver seat, you can bombard your mind, conscious and unconscious with positive affirmations to beat your anxiety once and for all. You should

Create an Affirmation to beat your Anxiety with support from others

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