
Posts Tagged ‘brain affirmations’

Affirmations for your Brain will unlock the potential of the human mind. Our brains are wired to believe everything we touch, taste, see, and tell it – yes we do give our brains orders. Have you ever seen someone cursing themselves, talking negative about their physical body, car, clothes, home, or family? What this does is feed into the negative loop hold of self destruction. Your brain does NOT care what you feed it, but it will repeat what you feed it, and do its best to make it a part of your reality. What can we do to fix this? For starters, stop being negative! Easier said than done, yes, but we have a secret power on our side. The power of positive affirmations for our brain. Let us now reprogram our brains to not only love ourselves, but expand our horizons. Repeat these affirmations for your brain below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

Brains affirmations - affirmations for your Brain

Brains affirmations - affirmations for your Brain

I have tremendous brain power

I control my brain and choose to feed it positive, valuable information each day

My friends, family, co-workers, and strangers know my brain has enormous capabilities and respect me cognitively and as a person

I love myself, my brain, my body, and mind are working together in perfect harmony

Do you see how great you feel now? That’s because you have no affirmed that your brain is a powerful, beautiful part of your life that deserves your respect and a healthy diet of positive energy. Through daily and monthly practice you will change the way you think about yourself and life in general. You certainly have an amazing brain and life ahead of you. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Brain with support from others

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