
Posts Tagged ‘brave affirmations’

Affirmations for Bravery will give you the ability to face your darkest fears, and fiercest opponents without hesitation. What does it mean to be brave? Chances are you know someone very brave in your family, on your team, or favorite professional sports team. A brave man / woman acts when others clam up. You can be this brave person. All we need to do is reprogram our minds to believe emphatically we are brave, and it will begin to become a part of our psyche and manifest itself into our reality. Repeat these affirmations to be brave below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself or loved ones

brave affirmations - affirmations for bravery

brave affirmations - affirmations for bravery

I am brave

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers see me as a brave person

In the face of defeat, humiliation, or even death I do not hesitate or succumb to fear. I act bravely at all times

I am the bravest person in the world

Don’t you feel like conquering the world? That’s because you have affirmed you are brave, and your mind and body will do its very best to make this a reality – your reality. Through daily, monthly practice with support you will change your life for the better. You are indeed a brave person and act boldly. You should

Create an Affirmation for Bravery with support from others

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