
Posts Tagged ‘eternal affirmations’

Eternal Affirmations are those that stand the test of time. They are ageless principles that do not bend or yield to pop culture or man made laws. Throughout history man and woman have wanted love, money, power, success, admiration, respect, integrity, honesty, and control over their own lives. The last part is key; you do have control over your life. Whether you believe it or not, our minds control our thoughts which control our actions, which control how the world perceives us. By affirming positive statements, verbalizing, and visualizing them, the eternal principles of the greatest minds ever to live can be yours

Eternal Affirmations - Affirmations Eternal

Eternal Affirmations - Affirmations Eternal

I attract love, money, power, and success into my life

People see me as a person of great integrity, admiration, honesty, and they respect me

I have the knowledge of the greatest minds to ever live and can tap into the unconscious truth within us all

My family, friends, co-workers and strangers view me as a person that shapes their own life, and lives an amazingly great life that I have set out for myself

Your time is now! You have now affirmed some basic principles that are ever lasting eternal affirmations. Through daily and monthly affirmations with support from others you will transform your life. You have a great life ahead of you. You should

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