
Posts Tagged ‘how do affirmations work’

Hello and Welcome! Relax, grab a snack, open your mind, and get ready to change your life for the better.

The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.

– Marcus Aurelius

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

– James Allen

You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.

– Darwin P. Kingsley

Are you personally using the power of positive thinking to better your life, or the ones you love? The greatest minds throughout time have known the power of positive affirmations, shaping one’s life, but how does it work exactly? There are many guesses to why it works, but many believe we are all deeply connected, and can call upon the divine within us to manifest our world around us. It is religious and scientific; an atheist or devote religious person will achieve the same results. As long as YOU sincerely believe in what you are wishing for, you will most likely attain it. What is it you want most out of life? A new car, better health, a raise, fulfilling relationships are some of the most common answers. If you write out what you want and repeat it daily your life will begin to attract what you wish for most. Now that we know the mind can help shape the world we live in…

What if dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people were wishing your dreams to come through each month? Studies have shown large groups of people have actually influenced surrounding areas through the process of massive group meditation, praying, wishing, affirming (call it what you will) for peace in the area.

“A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research reports on one of the most dramatic sociological experiments ever undertaken. Researchers predicted in advance that the calming influence of group meditation practice could reduce violent crime by over 20 percent in Washington, D.C., during an 8-week period in the summer of 1993.

In fact, the findings later showed that the rate of violent crime–which included assaults, murders, and rapes–decreased by 23 percent during the June 7 to July 30 experimental period. The odds of this result occurring by chance are less than 2 in 1 billion.”
In less than 2 months crime dropped 23% with only 4,000 participants! The people of D.C. took the principles behind affirmations and applied it on a large scale. “Hagelin says previous research had shown that these meditation techniques “create a state of deep relaxation and coherence in the individual and simultaneously appear to produce an effect that spreads into the environment, influencing people who are not practicing the techniques and who have no knowledge of the experiments themselves.”

The collective consciousness is real, and extremely powerful. Would you like to tap into the power of multiple people reading your wishes each month? To become part of this special collective, you must submit what it is you want more than anything in the world (think about it), either for yourself or someone you care about. It should be easy for others to read and wish along side of you to bring into the “real world”. Avoid using, “I” “me”, etc. You don’t have to use your full name if you aren’t comfortable. Example:

Have John (your name) beat diabetes and run a 5k in 2011

Let Jane Doe (your name) become recognized for her achievements at work and get a raise

Bring John Doe (persons name) home safe from Iraq

Give John Doe (persons name) the strength to beat her cancer and become healthy again

The affirmation is free of course, but here’s our problem, and we hate to ask but these affirmations are going to be prayed on, and spoken aloud by our exclusive collective group each month. We ask for a .99 cents membership. We want to thank you very much, and know that your membership is valued and look forward to wishing your affirmations come true. This avoids frivolous, insincere spam postings, and allows our members to focus on each individuals affirmations more intensely. It protects real affirmations from the fakes. Does this mean everything we wish for comes true? Not always, but

Testimonials (Send testimonials to affirmationsunited@yahoo.com  )

I wasn’t working out, or treating my girlfriend right. I subscribed, wished for something positive to happen in my life, and now I’m back at work and our relationship is stronger than ever

– Kurt

All my girl friends told me I was negative and I needed to be more positive. I stumbled upon this group and decided to try it…now they ask me why I’m always happy, lol

-Cassandra C

I’m not very religious but the idea of shaping my life through thought always intrigued me…It’s like going to work everyday knowing I have an army of people wishing me success…what a great feeling!


The great thinker Earl Nightingale tells us the power of our minds…After viewing this video, click the Subscribe button to have dozens, hundreds, and soon to be thousands of people routing, cheering, praying for your success. Remember though, we only ask that you read other peoples Affirmations at least once per month. We will all work together to further ourselves.

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.
-Zig Ziglar

By now you are probably excited about this new opportunity to change your life, for only pennies a day. Do not let fear, doubt, anxiety, or worry control your life anymore. You are in the driver seat. Click the button below to become a member of Affirmations United. Be sure to email your affirmations to affirmationsunited@yahoo.com once you become a member!

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.
-William Shakespeare


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