
Posts Tagged ‘leadership affirmations’

Affirmations for Leadership will give you the edge you need whether you are commanding troops, co-workers, friends, teammates, or even your family. In order to be able to lead we must first become a leader in the hearts and minds of ourselves, as well as those we seek authority over. Very often you will see someone in a leadership role, but crack under pressure, revealing their inability to lead, or true belief in themselves. Chances are you have seen this plot in a movie, or worse, in real life. The reason so many men and women can not lead effectively is because they have not programmed their mind properly as a leader. As a leader you will need to think, walk, sleep, and command like you are breathing air; it must be second nature. Since our mind and body will obey our commands we must tell it what we want it to do and become. In this case we are ready to become a great, brave, heroic and fair leader. Repeat these affirmations for leadership below and begin to think of a personal one for yourself or loved ones

Leadership affirmations - affirmations for Leadership

Leadership affirmations - affirmations for Leadership

I am a leader

I have been a leader all my life and look forward to the privilege and challenge of leading

My friends, family, co-workers, teammates, (and soldiers) view me as their leader and I must be the best leader possible

When others crack under pressure or quit, my leadership skills take over and I shine through adversity

You are ready to become a 5 star general in your personal and professional life! That’s because now you have affirmed you truly are a great leader. With daily and monthly practice, with support, you will be able to transform your mind until leadership is routed so deep within your psyche it has no choice but to manifest itself into your reality. You are certainly a leader, not a follower.

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