
Posts Tagged ‘list of prayers’

These Affirmations are read by each of our members at least once a month. We are in this together and will benefit from helping each other out. Please read these with belief and conviction. Some are not true, yet, and others are future tense. To have your Affirmation/Wish/Prayer listed please read here:

1 ) Matthew A is the greatest friend, brother and one day parent in the world

2 ) Keith Long is a famous film producer, script writer, and comedian

3 ) Kurt can hit a softball farther than anyone else

4 ) Cassandra Chambers has a great job and will soon become a Home Owner.

5 ) Scott Anton is becoming the strongest person in the World.

6 ) Zack’s band is going to be famous by 2011.

7 ) Stephanie is going to be the best Mother in the World

8 ) Rich Gesualdi attracts wealth and happiness where ever he goes.

9 ) L. Grant will graduate from college with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

10) Vernon is starting his own business and is respected and admired by his co-workers, family, and friends.

11) Brenda has moved up significantly in her company and will continue to progress in her career and life.

12) Become the 12th Affirmation read by our United Group of positive thinking, powerful individuals to help you achieve your success!

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