
Posts Tagged ‘paradise affirmations’

Affirmations for Paradise is your free ticket to the utopia paradise of your choice. Whether you want to live on a palm beach sipping margaritas or snuggling with your family in a remote cabin, you can have it all. So why do people not create the paradise they say they wish for in their own life? It isn’t their fault necessarily, but we must program our minds to attract what we want most in life – including our paradise. Once we positively affirm our secret, inner, subconscious desires we will attract it into our reality, whether we realize it or not. Repeat these affirmations for your personal paradise below and begin to think of a personal one to create for yourself

paradise affirmations - affirmations for personalized paradise

paradise affirmations - affirmations for personalized paradise

I allow myself to experience paradise

My paradise is early retirement, vacationing, and spending time with my family

My family, friends, co-workers, and strangers know I can obtain my paradise once I decide what it is

You are lucky! Not many people get the chance to live out their personalized paradise but with these affirmations you will not only know what you truly want, but have the ability to make it fact from fiction. I have no doubt you will obtain paradise in your lifetime. You should

Create an Affirmation for your personal Paradise with support from others

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