
Posts Tagged ‘self esteem affirmations’

Self Esteem Affirmations will help you remember what you forgot so long ago…that you are good looking, caring, strong, courageous, determined, and well-respected. Self esteem issues usually start to surface around the years of puberty; when kids and teenagers tell you what you are and what you aren’t. No one likes to be told they are fat, unathletic, or ugly. When we were younger our parents built us up from the ground up. They told us how good looking we were, smart, creative, and can do anything we wanted in life. But as the years went on, the chinks in the armor were exposed. The negatives began to outweigh the positive affirmations and soon we let others tell us, who we were. Or even worse, our parents, or no role model growing up gave you positive reinforcing affirmations for your self esteem. It was their weakness, not yours. But we can change our future, not our past. You are still here; still alive, still wiling to continue the good fight. You are a warrior whether you realize or not. A gladiator in this game we call life. Repeat these affirmations and think of a personal one to create for yourself.

self esteem affirmations - affirmations for self esteem

self esteem affirmations - affirmations for self esteem

I command respect from my peers, friends, family and co-workers

I love myself. I am all that there is and therefore I must love myself more than anyone in this world.

I am smart, creative, and a problem-solver.

People like to be around me because I’m a genuine, well-balanced person

I look and feel great. I will not allow anyone to take my self esteem away.

I am number one

You can feel a change in yourself already! You beat the odds to even be here today, and you have been dwelling at what you don’t like about yourself or life. You are awesome. You don’t need anyone else’s approval. It’s time to remind yourself you are the gladiator and in control of your own feelings. You should

Create an Affirmation for your Self Esteem with support from others

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